Intuitive eating coach and  Anti-Diet Nutritionist – England, UK

Find food freedom finally with Intuitive Eating and learn how to nourish yourself with Gentle Nutrition regardless of your size

Intuitive eating coach facing the camera and smiling in Kent

As seen in

I work with all shapes and sizes but fat/large bodied/plus sized people are my jam

There is a good reason for that. As a fat person myself, I know what it is like to exist in a big body in the world right now. If you are reading this, you have probably dieted SO much and/or you’ve been experienced disordered eating or ways of eating that does not feel good, like binging, emotional eating, skipping meals etc. Intuitive eating is one of the best ways to start repairing your relationship with food and our body. This is my passion and I see how much of a huge difference is made with my clients.

Anti-diet Nutrition is where it is at

With anti-diet nutrition, it gives you the chance to get a wide variety (whatever variety looks like to you personally) of food which means a variety of nutrients. Anti-diet nutrition holds that food is far more than nutrition but also food is not medicine (otherwise we wouldn’t need medicine).

Regardless of your weight, I have the skills, qualifications and experience to help you feel good about the way you eat. Supporting you to find food freedom and nourishment in whatever your body you have now.

Join my Intuitive Eating and Gentle Nutrition Membership for time poor people


Designed for beginners and all the way to experienced Intuitive Eaters with very little time. Jeanette is a Mum of three and knows what it is like trying to balance all of the things plus her own healthy behaviours. This membership aims to help support you to quit dieting and continue to learn about intuitive eating and how to nourish yourself.

Intuitive eating membership course UK
“Glanced at the scales this morning and I thought I might hop on them in a minute then instantly thought “why?”??? It makes no difference to how you are going to feel about yourself or food today so why bother? ……then felt like jumping up and down….. it’s like having a constant little angel on my shoulder saying all the amazing things you have said to me….You have changed my life Jeanette, truly”

“This Christmas has been different for me food wise – I haven’t binged, I have enjoyed everything and not felt guilty and most importantly I have no intention of going on a diet now that it’s January”


Fat Futurist Nutritionist, Intuitive Eating and Body Image Coach who is…



You are never going to get a diet from me. I won’t ever give you a meal plan or a tell you to lose weight. I help you build in healthy behaviours that are accessible to you regardless of your weight.

Fat Positive

I know it may sound wild having the word “fat” and “positive” together. We can break down societies expectations to actually become fat positive.

Health At Every Size (HAES) aligned

You deserve access to healthy behaviours regardless of your weight. You do not need to lose weight to have those behaviours. Weight loss is used as a “cure” for so many things health wise but we know that is not the case.

Fat Futurist

I am not just a Fat Liberationist. I want people in large bodies to have access to so many things that we don’t have right now. Fat Futurism is about wanting more for our fat futures and the future fat community.

Person centered

You are important. My work is centered around you.

Hello! I’m Jeanette Thompson-Wessen BSc (Hons), PGCE and Fat Futurist Nutritionist feminist!

2I am fat nutritionist, intuitive eating and body image coach with a degree in Human Nutrition who happens to have a passion for people learning how to reconnect with their bodies and feel body positive. I work exclusively with people in large bodies and do not work with weight loss.

I am here to support you and your future. I want a future for you that is empowered in your body and nourished in a way that works for you, in your unique life.

You will find me on a school run with my 3 children, 7, 4 and 2 year olds and doing the decorating when I have time and energy. Me and my husband are prolific DIYers.

Intuitive eating and body image coach UK - Jeanette smiling as an anti diet coach

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