Intuitive eating member ship anti diet world

The Ultimate Anti-Diet membership bring Intuitive Eating, Gentle Nutrition and Body/Fat Acceptance together for anti-dieters where ever you are on your journey.

Non-diet person looking sad

In a world that is encouraging intentional weight loss and where we are seeing our favourite celebrities and influencers turning to weight loss, we need/deserve a safe haven away from diet culture.

A place where we can be in community with people who understand and where we can learn more.

A membership that provides the safe we deserve for all sizes and centering fatness.

Anti-Diet World is an anti-diet membership designed to bring  newbie non-dieters and long time Intuitive Eaters together to move you towards our common goals of food freedom and healthy behaviours that are accessible to us through Intuitive Eating and Gentle Nutrition.

Intuitive eating speaker

Imagine having anti-diet, intuitive eating and non-diet nutrition at your finger tips when you need it

Your roadmap to a good relationship with food and nutrition.

Live bitesized workshop every other week

Monthly bitesized Q and A podcast.

Monthly live cookalongs.

Fat positive, anti diet community in  your phone.


  • You are a curious anti-diet newbie.
  • You have already stopped dieting, maybe read the books, now looking for some motivation and accountibility.
  • You have been an anti-dieter and intuitive eater for a while but you are craving community and a place to find the joy in eating again,
  • You are an anti-dieter feeling sad that your favourite influencers and celebs are turning to intentional weight loss and you want a refreshing safe space away from that rubbish.


  • You aren’t ready for Anti-diet World just yet if you are actively trying to lose weight, you will not find weight loss advise here (although many people join still wanting to lose weight which is normal!).
  • You might not want this if you cannot commit 30 minutes to yourself a week (I get it, life seriously just gets in the way sometimes).
  • If you are not wanting to listen people share their lived experiences and share compassionately back.
  • You could not care less about other people.

Tools you will find in Anti-Diet World that will support you no matter where you are in your anti-diet journey: –

Intuitive Eating

Challenging anti fatness

Self compassion

Feminist education

Non-diet cooking skills


  • You are a curious anti-diet newbie.
  • You have already stopped dieting, maybe read the books, now looking for some motivation and accountibility.
  • You have been an anti-dieter and intuitive eater for a while but you are craving community and a place to find the joy in eating again,
  • You are an anti-dieter feeling sad that your favourite influencers and celebs are turning to intentional weight loss and you want a refreshing safe space away from that rubbish.


  • You aren’t ready for Anti-diet World just yet if you are actively trying to lose weight, you will not find weight loss advise here (although many people join still wanting to lose weight which is normal!).
  • You might not want this if you cannot commit 30 minutes to yourself a week (I get it, life seriously just gets in the way sometimes).
  • If you are not wanting to listen people share their lived experiences and share compassionately back.
  • You could not care less about other people.


I am straight sized, can I still join and benefit?
A huge yes! Please do! We need more allies to fat people than ever and not only will this support your own individual anti-diet life, you will learn as a side quest how to be an even better ally. You are welcome to talk about your body experiences openly as well, we all deserve body neutrality and respect as well as ensure that Anti-Diet World is as safe a place can be for fat people.
I am not sure I have time for this!
That is why everything is in bitesized chunks. Nothing overwhelming. You do what you can and leave the rest for now. There will never be any pressure to do anything but I will send a pressure free check in monthly that you are free to delete if you would like to. You lead this for you and your needs.
I am not sure this is for me, but it might be.
You could always try for a month! You can cancel at any time.
Where is Anti-Diet World?
We mainly use Whatsapp. But I host workshops on Zoom, podcasts where you listen to podcast and the recordings are uploaded to a members only area you have access to.
Can I join if I have/had an eating disorder?
You may join but on the understanding that this is not for eating disorder recovery. Jeanette is not eating disorder trained so please do seek eating disorder professional help but you are welcome to join if you feel this will support in your recovery alongside ED pro help.

Who is The Mindset Nutritionist?

I am Jeanette Thompson-Wessen, nutritionist, intuitive eating coach and mum of three (7, 5 and 2 year olds).

I have a BSc in Human Nutrition plus 12 years of experience in Nutrition fields and teaching children about nutrition and how to cook. I’ve pretty much lived nutrition my whole adult life but also, still ended up in a large body (or I like to say fat to reclaim that word for myself).

I have therapeutic training (although I am not a therapist), person first training and am ungergoing training for Eating Disorders.

My passion as an intersectional feminist is to help breakdown the systems at play that continue to harm our most oppressed and marginalised people. I am a fat liberationist and fat positive.

anti-diet intuitive eating coach uk