Anti-diet – But What About My Health?

Anti-diet – But What About My Health?

As you have read in my last blog, we know that diets don’t work and that we have plenty of evidence to show us this. But when we go to the doctors, weight loss is usually touted as a cure. You go on the NHS website, most things say that fatness is a cause for many...
Does Dieting and Weight Loss Work?

Does Dieting and Weight Loss Work?

“One day, it will click in place and losing weight will be just so easy for you. You just have to be in the right mindset” I remember a fellow nutrition student telling me when I voiced my desperation to lose weight. 46% of the UK left the same way as I did on that...
Is sugar consumption bad for health?

Is sugar consumption bad for health?

As I sit here enjoying a chocolate bar and writing this, I was thinking about what to deep dive into today on the topic of sugar consumption and health. There is so much information out there on sugar and how it is SO BAD FOR YOU! The fear that diet culture creates...